7 Million Tourists Visited Egypt in First Half of 2023

Egypt has experienced a remarkable influx of seven million tourists in the first half of this year.

The achievement has been revealed by the country’s Tourism and Antiquities Minister, Ahmed Issa during a meeting with the permanent committee for licensing hotel and tourist establishments.

Throughout the meeting, the Minister also revealed that in April alone, Egypt witnessed an unprecedented number of tourists, reaching a record-breaking 1.35 million visitors, VisaGuide.World reports.

According to Issa, this is a substantial growth compared with the 11.7 million tourists in 2022 welcomed in the same months and compared to eight million in 2021, reflecting a remarkable 46.2 percent increase.

The growth of tourism numbers corresponds to the country’s future plans, which include attracting tourism investments amounting to EGP 7.4 billion in the fiscal year 2022/2023, an increase from EGP 6.2 billion in the previous fiscal year 2021/2022.

Egypt has been actively focused on revitalizing its tourism industry, which is a crucial sector for the country’s economy. The sector faced challenges due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as the Russian and Ukrainian markets are significant sources of tourism for Egypt.

To stimulate the sector, the Egyptian government implemented several measures. In January, they introduced a policy enabling 180 nationalities to obtain tourist visas upon arrival in Egypt. This move aimed to simplify the visa process and encourage more international visitors to choose Egypt as a destination.

Moreover, the government eased visa regulations specifically for visitors from China, Iran, India, Turkey, Morocco, and Algeria, recognizing the potential of these markets in driving tourism growth.

In September, Egypt introduced its first-ever online platform aimed at regulating the entry of yacht trips into the country. This initiative is part of a newly developed strategy that aims to capitalize on Egypt’s distinctive strategic geographical location and extensive coastal lines.

The online platform serves as a tool for efficiently managing and monitoring yacht trips, ensuring adherence to regulations and enhancing the overall experience for tourists visiting Egypt by yacht. By leveraging its strategic location and coastal assets, Egypt aims to attract more yacht tourism and showcase its natural beauty and cultural treasures to this specific segment of travelers.

Based on VisaGuide Passport Index of July 2023, the Egyptian passport is currently ranked 171st globally. As a result, Egyptian citizens enjoy visa-free travel to 21 countries around the world. However, for the remaining countries, Egyptian passport holders are required to obtain a visa in advance before their visit.

Even for visa-free travel, it is essential to have a valid passport that typically extends beyond six months from the planned departure date. Meanwhile, some countries may require travelers to obtain travel health insurance before entering their territory.

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